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Configuration Basics

A fresh instance of TypeIt accepts two arguments:

  • element: The element where text will be typed. This can be a DOM node or an element selector (class, ID, etc.). For example, all of the examples below will work.
new TypeIt('#myID', {...});
new TypeIt('.my-class', {...});
new TypeIt(document.querySelector('h2'), {...});
new TypeIt('[data-attribute="typeable"]', {...});

Note: If a selector that applies to several elements on the page (like a class), the _first_ element found will be targeted. Targeting multiple elements at once is not supported.

  • options: An object that determines how the instance will behave. This is often where you’ll define what strings will be typed, by passing them into the strings option:
new TypeIt("#myElement", {
  strings: "This will be typed!",
  // ... other options


Declaring a new instance of TypeIt only gives you an inert instance with a ready-to-go queue of steps to type. To make your newly created instance actually “go”, use the go() method.

new TypeIt("#myElement", {
  strings: "This will be typed!",
}).go(); // <!-- This will make it `go`.

// Or!

const myTypeItInstance = new TypeIt("#myElement", {
  strings: "This will be typed!",


Defining Strings

You can define strings to be typed in a variety of ways.


You can define them in your options as a string or an array of strings.

new TypeIt("#myElement", {
  strings: "This will be typed!",

// Or!

new TypeIt("#myElement", {
  strings: ["This will be typed!", "And this will be typed too."],

Hard-Coded in HTML

Youc an also hard-code them in your target element. This is a good option for those looking to optimize SEO. Include your string in your target element, and you’re good to go.

<span id="myElement">This string will be typed on page load.</span>

It’s also possible to define multiple strings by separating them with a <br> tag.

<span id="myElement">My first string.<br />And my second string!</span>

Note: This approach may cause a flash of text before the instance is started. This is because the text will already be rendered on the page before TypeIt has a chance to parse it for the animation.

Instance Methods

To define your strings more manually, use the type() instance method, and customize the effect even further by combining these with the other methods, described more below.

new TypeIt("#myElement")
  .type("This is my first string!")
  .type("Plus a little more.")

For more information about this approach, see here.

Callback Methods

Included in the options are five callback methods available for use at certain times during the execution of a queue.

  • step : The relevant step in the queue being handled when each callback fires.
  • instance : This is the TypeIt instance itself, should you need it.
new TypeIt("#element", {
  beforeStep: async (instance: TypeIt) => {
    // Will fire before each step in the queue.

  beforeString: async (characters: Character[], instance: TypeIt) => {
    // Will fire before each string in the queue.

  afterStep: async (instance: TypeIt) => {
    // Will fire after each step in the queue.

  afterString: async (characters: Character[], instance: TypeIt) => {
    // Will fire after each string in the queue,
    // including those added by the `.type()` instance method.

  afterComplete: async (instance: TypeIt) => {
    // Will fire after the entire instance has completed typing.
    // NOTE: If "loop" is enabled, this will never fire.

Typing in Form Elements

TypeIt supports typing into form elements like text inputs and textareas. However, due to the nature of these elements, some functionality maybe limited, like the use of a blinking cursor.

Configuration Options

Set any options for an instance by passing them as the second argument in TypeIt’s constructor:

new TypeIt("#element", {
  // Options go here!
Name & Default ValueDescription
strings: [][string | array] String(s) of text to be typed.
speed: 100[number] Typing speed, measured in milliseconds between each step.
deleteSpeed: null[number | null] Deletion speed. If left null, will be 1/3 of the type speed.
lifeLike: true[boolean] Makes the typing pace irregular, as if a real person is doing it.
cursor: true[boolean | CursorOptions] Show a blinking cursor at the end of the string(s), or override the default animation. See here for more information.
cursorSpeed: 1000[number] The blinking speed of the cursor, measured in milliseconds.
cursorChar: |[string] The character used for the cursor. HTML works too!
breakLines: true[boolean] Controls whether multiple strings are printed on top of each other (breakLines: true), or if they’re deleted and replaced by each other (breakLines: false).
nextStringDelay: 750[number | array]The amount of time (in milliseconds) between typing two strings. If an array is passed, the first value will be used as the delay after the first string has finished typing, and the second value will be used as the delay before the next string begins typing. For example, passing[1000, 2000]will tell TypeIt to pause for 1000ms after typing the first string in a pair, and wait for 2000ms before the next string is typed. If a number is passed, that value will be halved.
waitUntilVisible: false[boolean] Determines if the instance will begin typing automatically on .go(), or only when the target element becomes visible in the viewport. If you don’t want instances far down on the page to begin until they’re visible, set this option to true.
startDelete: false[boolean] Whether to begin instance by deleting strings inside element, and then typing what strings are defined via JSON or companion functions. Obviously, if this is set to true, you should have strings defined hard-coded in your target element.
startDelay: 250[number] The amount of time before the plugin begins typing after being initialized.
loop: false[boolean] Whether your strings will continuously loop after completing.
loopDelay: null[number | array]The amount of time between looping over a string or set of strings again. This option behaves identically tonextStringDelay. If an array is passed, the first value will be the time before typing begins again (after the set of strings has been deleted), and the second value will be the time immediately after the set of strings has finished typing, before they’re deleted to restart. If left undefined, thenextStringDelay option will be used.
html: true[boolean] Controls whether strings are parsed as HTML, or handled literally. If your target element is a form input or textarea, this value will automatically be overridden to false.